Mark Golitz Biography

Mark Golitz

The colors and designs of my work translate from a life time of outdoor experiences.  The hills and streams from my childhood in western Pennsylvania, my professional career as a forester in the woodlands across the United States and internationally, my inshore and deep water fishing experiences in the Southern Outer Banks of North Carolina, all converge to inspire my work.
Making pottery fulltime since 2010, I have taught as a ceramics college adjunct instructor as well as teaching in my studio. My work can be found in galleries and retail outlets across the Eastern United States. My work has been featured and sold in OUR STATE, a North Carolina based magazine with a circulation of more than 1.1 million people. Commissions include the US Marine Corp, the US Navy, local and nationally branded businesses.
As a functional and contemporary pottery maker, I explore how to plan, design, make and market my work. Sometimes the wait between making and bisque firing to glaze firing presents an anticipatory wait that fuels additional and alternative ideas.
Exploring new forms, colors, and firing techniques keeps the creativity flowing. In addition to functional designs, I enjoy creating and decorative saggar and raku fired vases that infuse the color and luster of interference mica.